Thursday, April 7, 2011


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So … the books that you own (however many there may be) … do you display them proudly right there in plain sight for all the world to see? (At least the world that comes into your living room.)
Or do you keep them tucked away in your office or bedroom or library or closet or someplace less “public?”

This is a two-part answer because I have two places of residence

First: In my apartment (pictured above) I have a single bookcase because it’s a small living space. But just because it’s small doesn’t mean it isn’t powerful. This bookcase contains some of my all time favorite books.

Second: At my home I have a library. My mom converted a spare bedroom into a library for me several years ago when she realized I was using my clothing drawers for books and not clothes. I wish I had a picture to show because the shelves are absolutely gorgeous; a wood shop student at a local high school made them. Even though the books aren’t in plain sight, doesn’t mean I don’t display them proudly. Every time someone new comes by the house, I always make sure to show them the library. The visitors come willingly into the library, but they usually give me a look that says "Why did you show me this?" on the way out.

Well…Hello There!

Welcome to my blog, A Rather Quite Lovely Convenience of Quotient Chaos.

I promise I’m not as insane as the title sounds (I’m only about 70% cuckoo). Just take a moment and say the phrase aloud…it rolls of the tongue quite nicely, doesn’t it? The saying was coined when my friend Jane and I came across and fell in love with the phrase “it’s rather quite lovely”. From then on we just added to it words that we liked the sounds of. We stopped it after “chaos” because we felt it was complete.

At the time, it had no meaning, just an inside joke amongst friends. It wasn’t till I was trying to name this blog that I realized, that maybe, just maybe, our little childhood selves stumbled upon something pretty big.

Pragmatically it makes no sense, it’s just a handful of words strung together. But beyond that it means everything. It represents the imagination of childhood, it makes you smile, and some times it sums up everything your feeling. Everyone has that feeling of “A Rather Quite Lovely Convenience of Quotient Chaos” even if you don’t know it. It’s when you don’t know how you feel, it’s when you are happy, sad, crazy, thoughtful, it’s when your feel as chaotic inside as the world is outside and all you can possibly do is smile.

A Rather Quite Lovely Convenience of Quotient Chaos is going to be about everything, just like it was intentionally created for. Ideas, books, music all of that and more. Mostly I’m starting this because I’m an insomniac and can’t seem to ever shut my brain down. I have all these thoughts fluttering around in my mind and keeping me up at night. I’m hoping that if I can write them down, they’ll let me get a little shuteye.

People fascinate me. I want to know what they are thinking and why they do what they do. In other words, I LOVE COMMENTS. Even if you’re telling me to quit writing so much, leaving a LOL, or telling me I’m not at all funny, I want to know what ya think.

That’s gonna be all for now. I know this was really long, but I wanted to put a background out there.

Post Script: If you’re still reading this. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!! And I’m sending you a cyber cinnamon streusel cupcake (taste the imaginary goodness) for your time and interest (even if it was just morbid curiosity).